
This blog is a collection of the broad range of things I write about, mainly political organizing and theory. While I have done many different kinds of organizing and around many different issues in the past, for the last six years I’ve focused on union organizing as a rank-and-file worker. While I am responsible for the words on this blog, most of the ideas have emerged collaboratively within the community of unionists who I organize closely with. I owe a deep well of gratitude to all my fellow organizers, past and present, and to all who have helped me formulate these ideas and have provided feedback on my writings.

I’ve tried to organize the tags and categories in such a way as to make this site easy to navigate. If you are interested in union organizing methods, my intro post on 1-on-1 conversations is the best place to start and can be followed up with other content in my the series on that topic. If you’re more interested in union theory, check out my intro post on relationship-based organizing or my survey post on left unionism that more broadly compares and contrasts prominent ideas in the movement. I also occasionally write about political theory and analysis. I have made some of my blog posts into printable pamphlets that can be downloaded here.

Due to the work schedule for my day job, my writing is rather sporadic. If you want to receive updates about new writings, you can follow me on Twitter, on Instagram, on Mastodon (union.place/@firewithfire), or subscribe by email at the very bottom of this page.